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Einstök náttúrusýning


Íshellir Perlunnar

Jöklar og íshellir

Jöklar og íshellir

Íshellir í Reykjavík

Kannaðu íshelli og upplifðu hina mögnuðu jöklasýningu þar sem besta möguleg tækni er nýtt til að kynna gesti fyrir töfrum jökulsins á skemmtilegan og fræðandi hátt.


Norðurljós óháð veðri og vindum

Áróra ‒ 8K-sýning í stjörnuveri Perlunnar, hin fyrsta sinnar tegundar. Norðurljós eins og þau gerast glæsilegust á íslenskum næturhimni. 






Eldgosið í Geldingadölum

Heillandi innsýn í gosið sem hófst í mars 2021 við Fagradalsfjall eftir mikla jarðskjálfta á Reykjanesskaga og stóð fram á haust.


Gagnaukinn heimur fuglabjargsins

Fuglarnir og líf þeirra í hæsta sjávarbjargi Íslands og Evrópu eru gestum til ánægju og fróðleiks í þessari mögnuðu eftirmynd af Látrabjargi frá fjöruborði til bjargbrúnar.



Vatnið í íslenskri náttúru

Vatnið í náttúru Íslands

Sýning Náttúruminjasafns Íslands

Vatnið í öllum sínum fjölbreytileik er viðfangsefni þessarar sýningar, og vekur áhuga og aðdáun gesta. Til sýnis eru undur vatnsins, tengsl vatns og lífs, og þáttur vatnsins í íslenskri menningu og samfélagi.

Fleiri sýningar

Land ‒ Strönd ‒ Haf

Fleiri einstæðar sýningar um náttúruöflin, „ævi“ Íslands, fiskar við strendur landsins, Mývatn, Ok – jökullinn horfni, og fleira.  




Reykjavík, nærsveitir og fjallahringurinn

Útsýnispallurinn er ofan á hitaveitutönkunum og gefur gestum einstakt færi til að virða fyrir sér eitthvert fegursta borgarstæði veraldar.

Heimsækið Perluna

Upplifun fyrir gesti og heimamenn

Perlan er ein helsta kennileiti Reykjavíkur. Í Perlunni er íslensk náttúra í öndvegi. Gestir fræðast, kanna, upplifa og skemmta sér með hjálp vísindanna og eigin skilningarvita.

Í Perlunni er líka frábær veitingastaður, bar, ísgerð og gjafavöruverslun gestum til yndisauka.

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Frásögn gesta

Althea C

Everything was amazing!

We loved Perlan - we were there for around four hours, experiencing the cafe (delicious cake), restaurant (delicious meal), planetarium (beautiful), volcano show (breathtaking), ice cave (cold! but great) and the exhibitions, including the recreated bird cliff, were amazing - hard to pick a favourite! It was a rainy day so the only thing we didn't experience was the view, but we imagine it must be great.

Michaela A

You shouldn't miss it

We have learned so many things, suitable for all generations. The beauty of Iceland you can see even if you can't travel to every place. Aurora Borealis, Volcanoes, Glaciers... Highly recommended!

Diane M

Great museum

Definitely make time to visit Perlan. If you have children, they will love it, too. There are a number of hands on exhibits, and the shows are very informative. Don’t miss the ice cave. The view from the upper deck is wonderful.

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We loved Perlan! Easy to get to on the bus, had a really enjoyable few hours walking round. The Aurora show is amazing and was great to see after we saw the northern lights the night before! The ice cave was fun but they let too many people in at once so wait until it quiet or be at the front of the queue. Observatory deck is brilliant and the cafe was lovely too.

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Ffiona W

Planetarium and Observatory - wonderful

The views from the observation area are stunning. We were lucky that is wasn't windy and were able to take in the whole breathtaking sights (360). The Planetarium Northern Lights show was great as it explained simply how they come into being. There's enough information about glaciers, volcanoes, and wildlife to keep you interested...

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Stephen M

Amazing experience

Tho museum is brilliant to do at that start of your trip as it gave us all the history of Iceland in a fun, beautiful and interactive. The ice cave and planetarium are spectacular. Do not miss the view from the top.

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Susan H

Great indoor experience!

When the weather isn’t cooperative, this museum is a fabulous way to see what Iceland has. We had a wonderful time! Save room for ice cream- the flavors are unique and delicious!

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Great Interactive Museum

There were lots of things to do at this museum. Great for kids and adults. My favorite part was the ice cave and film on volcanos. A must stop for all.


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