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Glacier hike in Iceland

How To Get to a Glacier in Iceland

Iceland, fondly called the land of fire and ice, is a mesmerising blend of volcanic activity and glacial landscapes. The elements of fire and ice in Iceland are often intertwined, resulting in a geological paradox that fascinates scientists and tourists alike.

Take, for instance, the impressive Vatnajökull glacier. It is the largest glacier in Iceland and the most extensive one in Europe. However, its icy expanse conceals a fiery secret. Beneath its thick sheets of ice lie several active volcanoes such as Grímsvötn, Öraefajökull and Bárðarbunga. This unusual combination of ice-capped volcanoes forms a compelling spectacle and symbolises the country's "fire and ice" nickname.

But let's focus on ice rather than fire for a minute. Whether you're an enthusiastic nature lover wanting to glimpse these majestic ice formations from a distance or an adventurous spirit wishing to trek across the icy expanse, visiting a glacier is an experience not to be missed in Iceland.

Perlan Is the Gateway to Icelandic Glaciers

Perlan and Snæfellsjökull

Perched atop Öskjuhlíð hill, Perlan is a distinctive landmark that dominates the skyline of Reykjavik. This unique architectural marvel offers a panoramic vista of the city and beyond, providing an ideal starting point for your glacier exploration in Iceland. 

On a day blessed with clear skies, your gaze might extend to the northern horizon where the Snæfellsjökull glacier rests at the extremity of the Snæfellsnes peninsula. This distant, icy spectacle could be your first glimpse of the majestic glaciers that inhabit the land.

However, even when Icelandic weather proves unpredictable and visibility may be compromised, your quest for understanding and experiencing glaciers need not be stopped. Perlan houses an interactive exhibition that dives into the fascinating world of glaciers.

This exhibition explains glaciers, their formation, their wildlife, and their vital role in the global ecosystem. Moreover, it sheds light on the pressing issue of climate change, which is causing a rapid rise in global temperatures and posing a significant threat to these icy titans. It emphasises the catastrophic implications of losing these glaciers forever, not just for Iceland but for the entire planet.

By starting your glacier journey at Perlan, you gain an enriching insight into the world of glaciers and develop an understanding of their significance in our lives and the urgency to protect them. This foundational knowledge will enhance your appreciation of the real-life glacier experiences that await you in Iceland.

The View From the Road


One of the most accessible ways to witness the grandeur of Iceland's glaciers is by embarking on a scenic drive along the country's famed Ring Road. This iconic highway envelops the island, offering intermittent glimpses of some of Iceland's most spectacular glaciers, all from the comfort of your vehicle.

One of the first major ice formations you might encounter as you navigate the road is Mýrdalsjökull. This glacier serves as a great welcome sign as you ascend the pass and drive down to the village of Vík í Mýrdal on Iceland's south coast. The sight of Mýrdalsjökull's expansive ice cap stretching towards the horizon is a sight that demands appreciation and respect.

Continue your journey eastward, and you'll find yourself in the presence of the grand Vatnajökull, Europe's largest glacier. The sight of its tributary glaciers, such as Svínafellsjökull, reaching out from the main body like colossal, icy fingers clawing through rocky valleys, is impressive. Each glacier has its unique character and shape, resembling a surreal, icy artwork crafted by Mother Nature herself.

Pressing further along the Ring Road, you'll arrive at the mesmerising Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon. This natural wonder results from another tributary of Vatnajökull, known as Breiðamerkurjökull, which relentlessly carves icebergs from its terminus. These icebergs drift silently across the lagoon, gradually approaching the open sea. This spectacle of nature's raw power and beauty is a sight that will leave you spellbound.

This drive, while providing a safe and comfortable vantage point, instils a deeper appreciation for these majestic glaciers' scale and beauty. It is indeed a testament that the journey can be just as impactful as the destination itself.

A Boat Trip for a Close Encounter With Glaciers

The panoramic vistas of Iceland's glacial landscapes inevitably spark a desire for a closer, more personal experience. If captivated by this, consider taking a boat trip on the Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon, a popular and accessible option for those seeking an intimate encounter with these icy giants.

You can marvel at the icebergs from the lagoon's shoreline as they embark on their journey to the sea, only to reappear on the shores of the aptly named Diamond Beach. However, the true star of this panorama is the Breiðamerkurjökull glacier, which provides a breathtaking backdrop to the ever-changing scenery.

Amphibious boats present a serene and engaging opportunity for visitors to navigate through the lagoon's icy glaciers. These vessels offer a leisurely journey amidst the drifting icebergs. They provide a unique perspective on their varying shapes, sizes, and mesmerising blue hues.

For a more thrilling and immersive experience, consider a tour on a smaller Zodiac boat. These agile vessels can navigate closer to the glacier's face, offering an unparalleled view of where the glacier calves into the lagoon. Safety is paramount, as the glacier can shed chunks of ice without any prior indication. Yet, even from a secure distance, you'll be close enough to observe the glacier's intricate features, including the ash layers embedded within the ice - a testament to Iceland's volcanic history - and the deep crevasses that highlight the moving, living nature of the glacier.

This nautical adventure on the Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon allows you to witness Iceland's glaciers' majesty and beauty from an entirely new perspective.

Take a Hike on a Glacier

Hike on a glacier

If you're up for a hands-on experience and seeking an adventurous approach, consider embarking on a glacier hike. A guided walk on the surface of a glacier, such as the famed Snaefellsjokull, offers an unparalleled adventure and an opportunity to understand these magnificent ice formations in person.

Despite renting a car, most glacier tours will transfer you to the glacier's edge using a specially equipped vehicle, often a 'super jeep.' These vehicles are designed with high clearance capabilities, necessary when navigating the unpredictable, rugged terrain leading up to the glacier. This ensures a safer and more comfortable journey to your destination.

Once on the glacier, you'll be equipped with crampons, spiked devices attached to your boots. These provide a significantly improved grip compared to regular hiking boots, allowing you to navigate the icy, steep slopes comfortably. With these, you can maintain your balance and move confidently across the slippery, uneven surface of the glacier.

For more challenging hikes involving steeper gradients and tougher terrains, your tour operator will provide additional safety equipment. This could include harnesses, helmets, and ice axes, which aid in maintaining balance, ensuring safety, and providing assistance during the climb.

Embarking on a glacier hike is an exhilarating experience that brings you face-to-face with these icy landscapes' raw power and sheer beauty. Accompanied by the expertise of a local guide, you can explore these icy realms safely while gaining a deeper appreciation for their natural significance in the global ecosystem.

Speed Things Up on a Snowmobile

Snowmobile trip on a glacier

While trekking across a glacier is a unique experience, consider speeding things up with a snowmobile ride. This exhilarating mode of transportation allows you to cover larger areas of the glacier, providing a broader view of these awe-inspiring icy landscapes.

One potential destination for your snowmobile adventure could be Eyjafjallajökull. This glacier-capped volcano gained international notoriety during its 2010 eruption, which resulted in a significant ash cloud that disrupted air travel. The thrill of zooming across the surface of this infamous glacier is an experience not to be missed.

Another popular choice for snowmobiling enthusiasts is Langjökull. This glacier is conveniently located within a day trip's distance from Reykjavik, making it an accessible option for those staying in the capital. The expansive icy surface of Langjökull provides an exciting terrain for snowmobiling, offering stunning panoramic views as you traverse its icy expanse.

Before embarking on your snowmobile expedition, your tour operator will verify that you have a valid driving license. They will also provide essential gear, such as overalls and helmets, to ensure your safety and comfort during the ride. So gear up and get ready to experience the thrill of a lifetime as you power across the vast icy landscapes of Iceland's magnificent glaciers.


Snowmobile trip on a glacier

How can I prepare for a glacier visit in Iceland? 

You can start by visiting Perlan in Reykjavik to learn about glaciers through its interactive exhibits. You should also ensure you have appropriate clothing and gear, including crampons, a hard hat for glacier hiking, or overalls and a helmet for a snowmobile ride. Always remember to follow the guidance of tour operators for safety.

What glaciers in Iceland can I easily visit? 

Some easily accessible glaciers include Mýrdalsjökull and Vatnajökull, which can be seen from the ring road. You can also explore the Snaefellsjokull glacier on foot or enjoy a snowmobile ride on Eyjafjallajökull or Langjökull.

What kind of glacier experiences can I have in Iceland?

Iceland offers a variety of glacier experiences. You can see glaciers from a distance while driving, take a boat trip on the Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon, hike across glaciers like Snaefellsjokull, or even speed across a glacier on a snowmobile. For a more educational experience, Perlan in Reykjavik offers informative exhibits about glaciers.

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